The Shofar Project:
Getting Real for a New Year

A Free Five-Week Online Program

August 13 September 15, 2023

Join the IJS faculty during the month of Elul for ongoing Jewish spiritual practice grounded in teachings drawn from This is Real and You are Completely Unprepared, by Rabbi Alan Lew, z"l, the contemporary classic describing the spiritual arc of the of the period of the Jewish year.

The program features these elements:

  • Five weekly written teachings on themes drawn from This is Real, sent by email on Sundays starting August 14. These teachings will include Jewish mindfulness practices, questions for reflection and journaling, and supplemental materials such as poetry and music.
  • Five weekly live practice sessions on Zoom (Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 PM ET on August 15, 22, 29, and September 5, 12), each led by a different IJS faculty member, elaborating upon the week's teaching, featuring meditation or other contemplative practice, as well as small group processing. Sessions will be recorded and available for those who cannot attend live. 
  • An optional, private Google Discussion Group, for sharing reflections and raising questions regarding the teachings and practices. 
  • An online spreadsheet for seeking out a chevrutah, or practice partner. 

You will receive a "Welcome" email shortly before the course begins that includes more details.

We are so glad you will be joining us!

Optional Donation

Suggested Amounts

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

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